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29 That bright red arrow atop a crisp white band is an unmistakeable symbol that the wearer is one of Scouting’s best. The sash is an outward sign that the man or woman wearing it is a member of the, Scouting’s national honor society.

But when should Arrowmen wear the sash and when shouldn’t they? That question was on the mind of a crew advisor and Brotherhood OA member from Phoenix who contacted me last week. Here’s his email: First off I know there is no hard set rule that I am aware of on when to wear your OA sash. Back in my day it was only for OA events or during tapouts at Scout camporees. I don’t want to sound like a “grumbler,” but it seems that rule has become very skewed in recent years.

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We currently have an adult and Scout who wear theirs to regular meetings. Any clarification you could give would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for the question. In fact, there is a hard-set rule. To get it, I went to National OA Chairman Ray Capp.


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Ray also answers questions via the feature on OA’s newly redesigned website. Here’s what Ray said about wearing OA sashes: Thank you for your question regarding the proper times for wearing the Order of the Arrow sash. The answers to your question are on pages 57-58 of the Order of the Arrow Handbook (#34996): “Only currently registered members of the Boy Scouts of America and the Order may wear the insignia of the Order of the Arrow.” “The Order of the Arrow sash is worn with the official Scout field uniform or Scouting’s official adult professional dress wear (a blue blazer and gray slacks). The sash also may be worn by Elangomats who are not in uniform at an Ordeal, youth wearing ceremonial attire, and in such other instances as approved by the Scout executive.” “The sash is worn at Order of the Arrow functions and special Scouting activities, when members need to be identified as Arrowmen rendering special services.” Ray Capp In other words, a Scout or Scouter who wears the sash to regular troop or crew meetings is going against BSA protocol. However, at a campout where Arrowmen are working in a special capacity such as service corps or honor guard, the sash is an appropriate way to set them apart.